Incoherent natural immunity claims at FDA meeting on vaccines
DR. CODY MEISSNER waffles incoherently at the FDA: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) meeting
No doc, nobody wants to keep infections going, you’re completely out of touch!
The people want vaccines, covered and available, based on science, as stated by the People’s CDC.
I’ve written the White House to complain (see below) — and I think you should too.
Either Dr Cody Meissner is confused or he’s anti-vax.
He dishonestly says asymptomatic infection is desirable (it’s not, nobody wants any infection) because it will (it won’t) act like a boost (no infection is NOT like a vaccine) then he says we don’t want it circulating but, he fibs more and says we can't stop it (yes we can) because the virus will always (he can’t see the future) mutate & out-evolve the vaccines. But somehow he’s not concerned about that with “natural infection” which also comes with big risks? And somehow he’s at an FDA meeting but doesn’t know that vaccine development can progress?
What is even going on here?
We know that we have other tools besides vaccines. We should be funding vaccine development and encouraging it. Infectious disease is preventable disease. We have a right to protect ourselves with vaccines based on SCIENCE. And we need government agencies that are reality-based and NOT trying to pretend that an epidemic pandemic disease that has remained spiking and surging worldwide for 3 years is going to magically become something else just because some corporate influenced officials and doctors have been drinking at the fountain of anti-vax propaganda.
Words have definitions and we’re in a pandemic.
We Should Offer Boosters Every Six Months, Not Yearly — Posted on January 24, 2023 by mikethemadbiologist
To the extent a booster shot provides additional protection against infection (not just severe acute disease), even if only for a few months after the booster, the lived reality for many Americans is they need that protection as limited as it is because they have been abandoned. You can’t make vaccination the centerpiece of your COVID (sort of) prevention strategy, and then not let people access it.
People’s CDC Statement on FDA’s proposal for once a year COVID vaccination January 25, 2023
An excerpt from the Public Comment by Rob Wallace, PhD, submitted to the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee regarding the future vaccination regimens addressing COVID-19.
“In framing its *response* to COVID-19 on the influenza model, the advisory committee risks turning the *cause,* the virus, into something we wish it was: just like influenza. Influenza vaccination--as half-ass as it is--works in part because we can predict which strains will seed the next year's pandemic. Fitch and colleagues showed those H3 strains most evolved at 18 codons almost always served as the progenitor of the next year's pandemic. There's been some work in this direction on SARS-2, but even under optimistic modeling, the present population parameters do not place us near the kind of endemicity associated with seasonal influenza.”
People’s CDC sample comment to FDA: We need boosters authorized based on scientific evidence.
Scientific evidence indicates the vaccine should ideally be allowed, available, and fully covered by public funds or insurance, twice a year. The FDA’s decision will affect everything about the vaccine drive including what doctors recommend, what the public considers, and what HEALTH INSURANCE COVERS. If it’s only recommended annually, that may create barriers for vulnerable people, and may discourage high risk people from getting needed boosters.
I’m writing the White House to complain. I said “We deserve to have vaccines available, recommended, and covered by insurance and government based on SCIENCE, not antivax or corporate nonsense.” and included (without permission) the text in the blog post above to write.
The People’s CDC has a sample comment to use too.