Book your vacation for a live battlefield tour! WHEN you get shot, we have a medical team and plenty of foxholes ready for tourists.
How about I just pass on the live battlefield tour… and cruise ships in a pandemic.
The image is of a magazine page clipping of an article. Page 40 AARP THE MAGAZINE - there is a yellow highlighter circle around when a passenger tests positive and in the margin below is handwritten when, not if - the full article text reads STAY HEALTHY WHILE AT SEA IN THE WAKE of the pandemic, cruise ships have upgraded their health and safety systems, from hand sanitizers throughout the ship to medical-grade air filters in the ventilation systems to robots that shoot ultraviolet rays to kill bacteria. But you'll no longer need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to board many ships, though unvaccinated travelers are still encouraged to provide a negative COVID test result. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which shut down cruising in North America from March 2020 to June 2021, ended its intense monitoring of the industry in July 2022, saying that cruise passengers "can make their own risk assessment when choosing to cruise, much like they do in other settings." Here's what to expect: Cruise ship medical centers have been upgraded with equipment to test for COVID-19, and medical teams have added personnel to better treat anyone who falls ill, even severely ill. When a passenger tests positive, contact tracing commences. On some ships, security cameras will use facial recognition to aid in this task; on the big ships with thousands of passengers you may be traced via an app on your smartphone or a smart wristband provided at check-in. Passengers who get sick will be confined to their cabins or cabins set aside for quarantine purposes. Meals will be delivered to those rooms. Wearing a mask is a personal choice.
And yes, this is from AARP magazine - the magazine for seniors. High risk seniors.