😔🕯️Marked By Covid plans ad hoc virtual vigil🌐💉Second Global COVID-19 Summit💉🐦Vaccines For Under 5s Twitter Spaces Panel🐦
Virus "Exposure Therapy" is the new Political Abuse of Psychiatry
- Events, Actions, & Campaigns
- “Living with the virus”
- In the News (virus & adjacent media)
- This is NOT Fine section (gaslighting & other wrongs)
- Herd Scuttlebutt (did you hear about this?)
😔🕯️ Marked By Covid will convene an ad hoc virtual vigil to Mark the Million when the U.S. CDC documents that the United States has reached one million deaths to Covid
🌐💉 Second Global COVID-19 Summit May 12
Joint Statement Between the United States, Belize, Germany, Indonesia, and Senegal on the Announcement of the Second Global COVID-19 Summit
🐦💉 Twitter Spaces Monday May 9, 7pm US EDT
Protect Their Future Vaccines For Under 5s Panel Discussion with @DrEricDing @kavitapmd and others
I’m baffled by this obsession for normal. Normal was not great. Normal led us to this. This urgent push for normal, whatever that even means, seems like a straight up example of Elite Panic. Normal is just an illusion anyway, since things change all the time.

🗞️ In the news
🏥👪 Premature “Normalcy” Could Backfire as U.S. COVID Death Toll Passes 1 Million & New Variants Spread (DR. ABRAAR KARAN: “when an index case comes in — they’re coughing, they get infected with COVID — we want to send them home with an air filtration device.”)
⚕️🇩🇪 Triage law proposal breaks medical taboo (“According to the prevailing opinion among criminal lawyers, such an approach ("ex-post-triage") is inadmissible and counts as manslaughter.”)
🩺🌐 Nearly 300 Cases: Global Mysterious Hepatitis Outbreak linked with COVID Infections amongst Children Spreads across 20 Countries (Inflammation of the liver is now most commonly reported in children under the age of five”)
🔥📰 Omicron as severe as other COVID variants -large U.S. study (“The Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV2 virus is intrinsically as severe as previous variants, according to a preprint version of a large U.S. study that counters assumptions in other studies that it was more transmissible but less severe.”)
This is NOT fine
I knew about therapists coaching children through “anxiety” about going to school and getting covid. The goal seems to be to get them to conform & stop saying they’re upset about their friends getting long covid or being orphaned.

This story where the school itself is calling for “Exposure Therapy” to force children back into school with no mitigations or protections to get covid looks like Political Abuse of Psychiatry.
New York State Office of Mental Health is coaching people to view a potentially deadly disease the same as safe and fun activities like reading a book.

They are telling people that catching covid may lead to “unexpected joy” and that they should in fact be “leaning into it” — even while it’s the third leading cause of death and causing debilitating illnesses.
Someone told me a story about their friend who had been cautious, but during the Omicron surge just came right out and said they were going to try and convince themself that it’s not bad if they get infected, because, they said, trying to believe that is the only way to go on living normally. And from then on the friend became like a different person and even started trying to convince the cautious person it’s not serious, leading to the friendship ending .
I keep hearing pod people stories like this, where a formerly sensible person goes full Stepford and starts doing the gaslighting. But this is the first time I heard that a person came right out and announced their intention to deliberately self-delude.
I thought people had been misled and misinformed into believing the threat was low. And I still think that’s the case for many. But there are other people who are clearly psyching themselves up to risk their lives on purpose, even for no good reason. And they’re trying to convince the kids to not worry about real dangers.
Denial and gaslighting being embraced as a social norm by governments and health professionals seems dangerous to civilization.
Herd Scuttlebutt
🇸🇪 In Sweden there is no testing outside of healthcare workers and people already hospitalized. The young adults are going for their mandatory in-person exams and some are of course getting covid - from the descriptions & video I’ve seen they are likely super spreader events. But nobody outside will know because of limited testing.
🇺🇸😷 Someone told me they believe they got infected on public transit after the mask mandate was dropped even though they were wearing a surgical mask. One way masking is not adequate, especially not without a better mask such as an N95. Senior & Disability Action is busy in San Francisco California lobbying transit boards for transit masking, and Mandate Masks NY has a petition started to Governor Hochul and Commissioner Bassett.
🤯 For the annals of my-freedoms arguments… Someone accused me of being “authoritarian” for suggesting that parents could disallow a teen from attending a super spreader hot prom date.
🇺🇸 I heard of someone in an area of the U.S. that’s “green on the CDC map” who was having trouble getting an appointment scheduled for something and were told it was because of the outbreak. The People’s CDC put out a statement calling for going back to using the transmission levels, which showed last week that “79% of the U.S. population lives in an area with a substantial or high transmission.” Hospitalizations are a lagging indicator which means using that you might wind up as the indicator before realizing the danger.
"Serious People have been trying to blame the “mysterious” hepatitis outbreaks on anything but SARS-CoV-2. Lockdowns were blamed, and now dogs are being floated as a cause. Hepatitis was already a known possible post-covid complication. This bizarre scrambling might be best explained by something called Turbo Paralysis. I heard about this from Robert Evans in an episode of the podcast It Could Happen Here, when he says about reaction to disasters, “Elites are actually more likely to be blinded in these situations than the rest of us”…. “People like us worry will my community & I survive & people like them worry will I lose power? this tug of war between disaster & political experiences between preparing... and protecting your ass leads to a phenomenon called turbo paralysis.”
“There is nothing to be concerned about. What’s the worst thing that happens? You die! So what?”
Cult leader Ted Anger