🖊️ Petition Oppose Ending Emergency Declaration 📣 NYC Council Hearing on COVID Recovery and Resiliency 🔗 The connection between the attack on public schools, Anti-Mask & Anti-Vax — and Nazis
Disinformation laundering of anti-vax narratives is targeting Long Covid and disabled communities.
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USA Petition to President Biden: Oppose Ending the National and Public Health Emergency Declarations
MaskTogetherAmerica: On behalf of the millions of people in this country who are at especially high risk for COVID-19 complications and deaths, we urge you to please extend the National Emergency and Public Health Emergency declarations to provide crucial health care access for all. Further, we urge you to promote comprehensive, multi-layered measures to prevent transmission of COVID.
USA Letter Campaign: Tell Elected Reps: Maintain the State of Emergency
People’s CDC: We need robust public health infrastructure. Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, we need you to treat the pandemic like the ongoing public health emergency it is. We need you to embrace a comprehensive approach to public health based on layers of protection and public policies aimed at protecting the most vulnerable people among us.
New York City USA: NYC Council Hearing led by the Committee on Health, jointly with the Committee on Hospitals and the Subcommittee on COVID Recovery and Resiliency, on the "Oversight - NYC’s Response to the Post-Holiday Surge in COVID-19."
Valentine's Day, Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 1pm at City Hall.
Looks like it's time for more public comments!
Join MandateMasksNY.org
Emergencies must be dealt with, not magically declared ended
There's nothing written in stone somewhere, nor any law of physics that says emergencies are always temporary. Sorry to deliver this bad news but emergencies can be ongoing and seemingly permanent and perpetual.
Especially if you do nothing to solve the problems causing the ongoing disaster.
The doomsday clock has been close to midnight for my whole life and I'm not young. The climate emergency is very likely going to exist for centuries now — if humans are even around to use language to describe the situation.
You don’t stop going to the toilet because you’re done with that and shit your pants. So I don’t know why we’d think we can just ignore the ongoing public health situation hoping it’ll magically go away if we say we’re done with emergencies.
🗞️ In the news
KHN Morning Briefing: Pandemic Emergency Will End May 11; Expect To Pay More For Covid Costs
Among the changes likely to occur: The cost of covid vaccinations may skyrocket, the government will no longer give out free covid tests, and hospitals won't get extra payments for treating covid patients, AP reported. Medicaid benefits, student loan payments, and Title 42 are also affected.
This is NOT fine

The connection between the attack on public schools, Anti-Mask & Anti-Vax — and Nazis
Status Coup News: The Growing Nazi Homeschooling You Don't Know About, Anti-Trans Rhetoric Grows - Tina-Desiree Berg is joined by Brooke Binkowski
(Transcript quote starts at 39 minutes into the video)
The Fringe will push it into the mainstream and the lawmakers will go oh well we have no choice but to pass laws about this it's completely and authentically organized from start to finish the other thing is that um the transgender or the anti-transgender stuff as well as the anti lgbtq stuff is all coming from the same people and the same networks that were established in early 2020 with the anti-masking campaigns that later became became the anti-lockdown anti-vaccine campaigns it's anti-vaxxers it's also the anti-crt crowd they are all it's also so the Q Anon crowd they're all being activated along the same disinformation networks that activated them to begin with and I say activate because when I say activate I mean what gets them out of the street for these inauthentic you know uh shows of solidarity because they're not really protesting you know against anything they're protesting for something they want a white nation-state they want uh you know they're white supremacists that's what they want and this all of these disinformation campaigns from Q Anon to pizzagate to the anti-vaccine [ __ ] to the anti-crt [ __ ] is all to the the you know um Christian nationalists you know all of them are basically the same people there's you know huge overlap in the Venn diagram there's Fringe types to make it look like it's authentic but what they're pushing for in every case is a white ethno State they are white nationalists like literally and so that's what we're seeing piecemeal getting pushed into the mainstream via mainstream news who are completely [ __ ] asleep at the wheel
(Emphasis Added)
Highly recommend listening from minute 39 for about 10 minutes at least. They mention how the Nazis first went after the disabled in their eugenics scheme. I’ve mentioned before how disinfo researchers have found connections between anti-vax anti-mask and right wing extremists using the same social media accounts.
He(a)rd Scuttlebutt… pandemic grapevine 🍇🌱
Long Covid Community under siege by info-laundering anti-vax campaigns
Big money interests are backing the spread of antivax disinformation and people with long covid are some of the targets. There is a general attempt being made to falsely blame all covid and long covid symptoms and covid complications on the vaccines.
The disinformation gets laundered through the Long Covid community — and also the disabled and covid concerned communities. Because most people in these communities are not anti-vax, the anti-vax lies can be concealed under a veneer of “just asking questions” or scientific curiosity, while sowing fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Once these narratives spread the MERE EXPOSURE EFFECT is initiated. Once something becomes familiar, people accept it as true BECAUSE IT IS FAMILIAR. And then it's easier to introduce more later, moving the Overton Window. This is how cults indoctrinate people. They don’t start with the really outrageous stuff. It’s a process.
Truth with a lie chaser.
Disabled Community under attempt to co-opt social justice language for anti-vax purposes.
The term “vaccine injury” is a term being used by the anti-vax campaign on social media. I have seen some people claiming they’re not anti-vax, and that they should be able to use the term without critique. Some may have figured out using the term gets them clicks and views on twitter, youtube, etc. and they’re not interested in giving up that attention now because social media is incredibly addictive, also sometimes lucrative. There’s a lot of money being thrown at anyone willing to push anti-vax narratives, even subtly or unwittingly. They get a lot of attention and a lot of “love” on all the platforms. Troll accounts are paid to go out and hit like on anything anti-vax.
This is information laundering — which obscures the sources (and motives) of the messaging. It’s stirring horizontal violence and lateral ableism on social media. Some really aggressive pushing of health misinformation, anti-vax disinformation, political demoralization, and undermining of positive pro-social action, is done using the language of disability justice, identity, or diversity language.
Chloe’s alternative razor:
Never attribute to incompetence that which is well explained by sabotage.
Signed the petition of course and really appreciate calling out the folks who pretend to "have a question" ==this is how environmental justice gets derailed as well. Elevate a small uncertainty to stop us moving forward.