🏥 Petition: Canadian hospitals need to maintain MASK mandates 😷 Letter Campaign to US Healthcare Systems 📱 Maryland Call Campaign to John Hopkins ⚕️
"Hospitals are documented virus amplifiers and masking should remain in place." - Rob Wallace
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Maryland USA Call Campaign: Today Apr 24, 2023 12:00 PM US EDT, Phone Zap - Johns Hopkins Mask Mandate
By COVID Safe Maryland and COVID Safe Campus: respond to Johns Hopkins plan to end its mask mandate on 4/24. (Closed captioning will be enabled, a facilitator will voice the chat, presenters will describe slides)
CANADA Petition: Canadian hospitals need to maintain MASK mandates
By Iris Gorfinkel, M.D.: WE...as patients, caregivers and healthcare workers: - Assert our right to safety in hospitals and other healthcare settings - Demand that masks be re-instated in hospitals and healthcare facilities - Expect that institutions follow through on their DUTY OF CARE and PROTECT patients, caregivers and staff
USA Letter Campaign: Maintain or Enact Universal Masking at Healthcare Systems
By People’s CDC: Please join us in sending a clear message to your local healthcare system leadership that you demand for protections and universal masking.
Healthcare is all about “delaying the inevitable” — that’s the whole point of doctors and hospitals
I’ve heard that hospitals are saying they may as well not prevent hospital acquired covid for their high risk frail patients because they’re just “delaying the inevitable” because eventually they’ll get it elsewhere anyway. Following that logic - why do they think people visit healthcare at all? What are doctors even doing if they’re not for taking measures to stave off illness and delay death? Isn’t that THE WHOLE JOB OF HEALTHCARE? If everyone’s going to die eventually anyway and they don’t care, why practice medicine? Why do some people, especially doctors, want the most at risk to be exposed to covid so badly?
Every living creature spends a lifetime delaying injury, illness, and death.
If you don’t want to delay death for let’s say, certain people, certain groups... There’s a word for that.
🗞️ In the news
🇺🇸 CIDRAP: Study notes high rate of COVID-infected healthcare workers still caring for patients. by Stephanie Soucheray, April 12, 2023 Half of all healthcare workers (HCWs) with symptomatic COVID-19 continued to go to work, even if they were involved with direct patient care, according to the results of a study yesterday on presenteeism among HCWs in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. Working while ill contributes to nosocomial transmission of respiratory viruses. Previous studies on HCWs with symptomatic influenza showed that a significant proportion—14% to 68%—still worked while sick.
🇻🇳 Bloomberg: Vietnam’s Commercial Hub Orders Return of School Mask-Wearing Amid New Covid Cases. By Mai Ngoc Chau, April 21, 2023 Vietnam’s commercial hub of Ho Chi Minh City is ordering the return of mask-wearing at school campuses amid a rise in Covid infections, the city’s education department said in a post on its website.Hanoi earlier this week ordered the return of mandatory indoor mask-wearing in public places.
🌐 Yahoo Finance / Fortune: ‘Arcturus,’ a COVID variant sweeping India, is now in the U.S., the CDC says—and it’s coming in hot. What it means for the future of the pandemic. By Erin Prater April 14, 2023 COVID deaths are also rising in both regions, up 109% month over month in Southeast Asia and 138% in the Eastern Mediterranean, according to the report. India’s health ministry is holding mock drills to ensure that hospitals are prepared for a groundswell of COVID cases, the BBC reported Monday, noting that some states have again made mask-wearing in public mandatory.
💥 COVID-19 lockdown revisionism by Blake Murdoch, Timothy Caulfield, CMAJ Apr 2023, 195 (15) E552-E554; DOI: 10.1503/cmaj.221543 The term “lockdown” has become a powerful and perverted word in the infodemic about democracies’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdown, as used in public discourse, has expanded to include any public health measure, even if it places little to no restriction on social mobility or interaction. For example, a working literature review and meta-analysis on the effects of lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality misleadingly defined lockdowns as “the imposition of at least 1 compulsory non-pharmaceutical intervention.”1 This working paper therefore conflated mandatory isolation for people with confirmed infections and masking policies with heavy-handed limitations on freedom of movement, and since it gained viral fame, it has helped fuel calls for “no more lockdowns.” This working paper has been highly critiqued and is less convincing than comparative assessments of health measures, like the Oxford Stringency Index.2,3 Here, we discuss the spread of misinformation on lockdowns and other public health measures, which we refer to as “lock-down revisionism,” and how this phenomenon has damaged trust in public health initiatives designed to keep people safer. “Lockdowns” Anti-lockdown discourse is common on social media, in political rhetoric and in news articles.4–6 Lockdowns are often framed as a false binary of full lockdown versus no measures.
🚩 Science.org - CONTROL ISSUES. GISAID offers a safe space to post viral genomes. Peter Bogner, its perplexing creator and overseer, may be jeopardizing its future, 19 APR 2023 - BY MARTIN ENSERINK, JON COHEN Eventually, Kamil reached a bizarre conclusion: Meyers didn’t really exist, and it was Bogner he had been communicating with. But when Kamil confronted Meyers, he denied that was the case. On 24 December 2022, when Kamil was again in Los Angeles, Meyers wrote that he would be “lucky this time around”: Kamil would have a chance to meet Bogner, along with GISAID in-house lawyer Ben Branda, in Santa Monica. Meyers himself couldn’t make it. Five days later, at a restaurant named R+D Kitchen, Kamil says he noticed Bogner had the same voice—with a hint of a German accent—as Meyers. “It wasn’t similar,” Kamil says. “It was identical.” It was the final nail, Kamil says: “I was duped.”
This is NOT fine
The PR industry works for people with a LOT of money. Billionaires, industries and corporations.
There are some PR driven nonsense pieces being published to justify unmasking in hospitals, or push for no quarantines or no tests at all, when it’s really just about “not reminding people” of covid so they go out and spend spend spend for the sake of the false god called The Economy. The PR people planting this stuff, paying for op-eds in major news publications, and pushing incomplete bunk studies in health websites, is all part of a propaganda PR campaign, from firms disguised as “think tanks” and such. For example, State Government Leadership Foundation that funded an advertising campaign target marketing to liberals to turn them against masking. They bragged about it for some reason, but most PR firms remain in the shadows.
Toxic Sludge is Good for You (2002 Documentary)
Currently according to some estimates, more than 50% of what we think is news is actually instigated by the public relations industry. PR professionals measure their success in terms of how well they can insert their clients’ messages into the continuous flow of news and information while their own activities remain out of view.
Much like big tobacco did PR campaigns planted in news media and surreptitiously undermined medical science, now fossil fuel, commercial real estate, and the travel industry is funding campaigns against pandemic mitigations.
In a cognitive attack the whole point is that the target shouldn’t know they’re being attacked in order for it to be really effective. So that’s whole trick to keep the target unaware because if the target becomes aware that they’re being attacked in this way, just by them becoming aware it significantly reduces the effect of the attack.
— Rand Waltzman, December 2022, Steve Hassan podcast
Those Industries simply do not want people to have concerns about, and be reminded about the risks of disease that might add to the reasons people want to stop commuting and prefer to work from home, or think twice before going on cruises, airline flights, and decline to attend conferences and conventions.
Teams Human: The Economy demands full participation, herd debt paid on an altar of lies. “Public health” is operating, but with the wrong information and the wrong solutions to solve the wrong problems, because those calling the shots have the wrong goals. DEC 23, 2022 People are being convinced to blame all disease mitigation. They are being propagandized into blaming, and resenting, the people who have in fact been isolating or otherwise taking precautions to avoid sickness. It’s the only explanation that fits. They’re blaming the people who are masking.
And when someone uses the elderly or disabled as an excuse for healthcare workers to unmask, claiming that the elderly need to see your lips move because they’re hard of hearing, to justify exposing high risk elderly patients to the virus that could kill them... Tell them to get a PAPR with an amplifier microphone if they’re really concerned about that - doctors can afford it. Because you know what really prevents elderly people in hospitals from receiving effective communication? BEING DEAD.
He(a)rd Scuttlebutt… pandemic grapevine 🍇🌱
The CDC's own research shows that booster effectiveness wanes dramatically after 6 months, to nearly irrelevant levels by 12 months. Refusing to allow people who seek to protect themselves with a booster at 6 months will increase the risk of bad outcomes of COVID--and thus undermine broad trust in the vaccine. Once people fall ill at months 6-12, they will conclude that vaccines don't work and simply skip the 12 months version.
This is already happening, it’s already being used that way. I wrote about seeing this narrative pushed already.
Teams Human, April 17, 2023 - Another ACIP Meeting April 19th
I see the propaganda mill is now pushing the idea that if vaccine boosters aren’t recommended, why should anyone get vaccinated at all?
People at the ACIP meeting kept harping on natural infection and their fantasy of relying on “hybrid immunity” to such an extent it sounded as if the woman speaking actually thought people should get infected… To protect against infection… Instead of getting boosted… At the meeting of the public body that decides on vaccine access…