🙌#MEAction & LC rally at the White House with Email campaign📧Petition: To NPR & Rob Stein: Please retract dangerous pandemic misinformation📝
Scranton Joe went to Detroit & declared reality over.
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Petition: To NPR & Rob Stein: Please retract dangerous pandemic misinformation
In the midst of a lethal ongoing pandemic where SARS-CoV-2 deaths outpace even bad flu seasons, NPR ran a piece that led with the incorrect claim that COVID is "no more dangerous than the flu" with a headline asserting that the lethality of the virus is "up for debate" when there is in fact no debate about level of deaths rocking our nation.
by Chloe @ Teams Human
Letter Campaign: Email President Biden: We are Still Sick. Still Fighting.
We are emailing President Biden to ask him to declare ME/CFS and Long COVID a national emergency. Join us.
By #MEAction
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#MillionsMissing, #MEAction rally at the White House

Today, long COVID survivors and ME/CFS survivors protested at the White House to demand the Biden administration take action and provide economic and medical support to people with long COVID. Additionally, the groups are calling for Biden to conduct a public campaign about the effects of long COVID and ME/CFS.
Medpage Today: Long COVID, ME/CFS Patients Protest in Front of White House
Protesters are asking for several things, explained Wilder, an ME patient from Minneapolis, in an interview. "We're going to demand that the government declare long COVID and ME a national emergency," she said. "People are disabled, and there has not been adequate government response to this. We need things like education for medical providers so that they know how to take care of folks like us. We need economic support.
🗞️ In the news
📺 Status Coup: Was Trump Signaling to Qanon in BIZARRE Cult Rally? Biden the "Pandemic is over" - w/ Walker Bragman (youtube video: Jordan’s discussion with Walker Bragman on inflation, political economy, Qanon, and the “Covid is Over” Biden 60 Minutes interview.)
Truthout: Dark Money School Groups Are Trying to Buy the Midterm Elections for the GOP by Alyssa Bowen (Beginning in mid-2020, established school privatization groups and new ones –formed by experienced dark money operatives — took advantage of parents’ genuine concerns about their children’s well-being in a global pandemic to further attack public education. After Florida’s August primary elections, dark money groups openly boasted about the right-wing candidates they helped elect. When COVID precautions waned, these groups shifted their focus — from forcing schools to reopen and eliminating masking and other hygienic requirements that would keep students and school staff safe, to “culture war” issues.)
📚 The Chronicle of Higher Education: Campuses Are Going Back to Normal. This Group Has One Message: Stop. By Sylvia Goodman (archive link) (Disabled students at colleges across the country are lamenting the loss of Covid-era hybrid learning and safety measures, like masking, that created a level of accessibility that some disabled students have been requesting for years. But over the past year, many colleges have been fighting to get “back to normal,” shelving mandatory masks and testing and virtual-learning options.)
💵🚨 Financial Times: The growing evidence that Covid-19 is leaving people sicker by Sarah Neville (archive link) (“The level of damage that’s been done to population health [during Covid], it would be as if everybody suddenly decided to take up smoking in one go,” Strain says.)
🚨 Time: You Can Still Get Long COVID If You're Vaccinated and Boosted by Jamie Ducharme (For now, though, even vaccinated, boosted, and previously infected people aren’t immune to Long COVID. Any infection could lead to lingering complications, which underscores the importance of limiting exposure to the virus as much as possible.)
This is NOT fine
Scranton Joe went to Detroit and casually declared the pandemic over.
Stop me, oh, stop me if you think that you've heard this one before…
I immediately wrote the White House to inform him that’s not true, but I suspect he knows the definition of pandemic. One leader of one nation cannot possibly make a pronouncement arbitrarily on pandemic status globally anyway.
And the reason nobody was wearing masks at the auto show is because they were told they don’t need to. It’s all so circular. Many might later regret going to a crowded venue unmasked.
He(a)rd Scuttlebutt, herd death fatigue…
I just read Sarah Kendzior’s new book, They Knew and people concerned about the pandemic might find some of it clarifying, or at least get some suspicion validation.
Lots of people signed on to the APHA Meeting – COVID Safety Sign-On Letter, which asks for common sense pandemic mitigation and what should be a standard of disability accessibility. Among the signers are current and former APHA members, groups such as Covid Safe Campus, Long COVID Justice Strategies for High Impact, VaxPlus Coalition, and The People’s CDC.
How does anyone possibly believe the false assertion you see everywhere of "high levels of population immunity" when they see people around them getting reinfected 3-4 times even within a year? Does everyone know it's bullshit?
A train line in Italy boasts HEPA filtration and FFP2 mask rules. Yet Amtrak won’t even make designated mask required cars for safety and accessibility.
I’ve heard that in Sweden, testing is not generally available, and even senior citizens aren’t necessarily getting Paxlovid.
I keep hearing people in the U.S. say doctors are telling them they don’t need Paxlovid or that Paxlovid is only for more severe disease. Meanwhile the tv commercials say if you have risk factors, call your doctor and ask for it when you test positive even if you don’t have many symptoms yet. I certainly understood it’s a medication to prevent more severe symptoms. I’m not sure why doctors wouldn’t know and follow that.
I heard yet another story about an appendicitis just weeks after covid. I started hearing about an increase in appendectomies in 2021. Very concerning.
If a government is willing to kill as many people as necessary to stay in power, it usually stays in power for a very long time.
- Andrei Lankov