I think the bottom line here is that if you have symptoms, you should never depend solely on a couple of early RATs to diagnose "not covid" yourself.
Especially if it says positive! But even if it says negative.
If you have known symptoms of the virus, regardless of your RAT result, you should go get a PCR test (I think day 5 of symptoms is considered most reliable for PCR), and then use 2 negative RATs 48 hours apart before leaving isolation.
Is it still correct that you can help minimize the chances of false positive by taking two-three RATs 48 hours apart? I am trying to figure this out to help advise people over the holidays. I had seen that info here: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/home-covid-19-antigen-tests-take-steps-reduce-your-risk-false-negative-fda-safety-communication
I think the bottom line here is that if you have symptoms, you should never depend solely on a couple of early RATs to diagnose "not covid" yourself.
Especially if it says positive! But even if it says negative.
If you have known symptoms of the virus, regardless of your RAT result, you should go get a PCR test (I think day 5 of symptoms is considered most reliable for PCR), and then use 2 negative RATs 48 hours apart before leaving isolation.
Got it! That makes sense to me!